UViMCA is a Marie Sklodowska Curie Action [MSCA-IF-GF] research project that investigates Utility (i.e., social function) and Usership (i.e., modes of engagement) in Virtual Museums of Contemporary Art [ViMCA]. The project’s main research question is: What can virtual museums of contemporary art do that physical museums can’t?

The project addresses this question from a contemporary curatorial perspective. Project results are divided into 4 papers, which will all be available Open Access by end-2023. Each paper identifies and tackles a different issue with existing virtual museums and proposes a novel solution. A short introductory video to the project is available here.

UViMCA is hosted by the Institute of Computer Science at the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas [ICS-FORTH], Heraklion, GR and Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture & Technology at Concordia University, Montreal, CA. It is led by Canadian contemporary art curator, writer and postdoctoral researcher Stéphanie Bertrand.